Galeria Luciana Brito

LB News

Héctor Zamora is featured in major show about Brazilian art in The Netherlands

Tags: Héctor Zamora / Museum Beelden aan Zee / Carolyn H. Drake / Alessandra Laitempergher

Héctor Zamora, Brazil, 2013. Bricks, metal bicycle, 180 x 60 x 170 cm

Brazil has been chosen as the new country theme of the museum Beelden aan Zee for 2016. The exhibition to open the schedule is Brasil, Beleza?, curated by Carolyn H. Drake, independent curator and director at A Tale of a Tub, in Rotterdam, in conjunction with Alessandra Laitempergher, at Museum Beelden aan Zee, which will happen at Beelden aan Zee and Lange Voorhout, both in The Hague.


The literal translation of the word Beleza is ‘beauty’, but it is now used by young people and friends as a greeting or as a ‘What’s up?’. The exhibition will approach contemporary Brazil, its current political and economical situation, its historical formation, its culture, its aesthetical traditions, all through contemporary artworks, some of them commissioned for the show. 


There will be over thirty participating artists, all of them Brazilian or Brazilian-based. One of the highlights of the show is Héctor Zamora (1974, Mexico City), who will present the work  “Brasil”, composed of a metal bike which precariously supports a large and geometrically pile of clay bricks. A set of three new works is being created specially for the show, but with typical Dutch tricycles.


The exhibition will take place from May 25 to October 3, at the Beelden aan Zee, and from May 25 to August 21, at the Lange Voorhout. For more information, please visit Beelden aan Zee's website.