Galeria Luciana Brito

LB News

Marina Abramović comes to Brazil for the première of her feature documentary

Tags: Marina Abramović / Espaço Além – Marina Abramović e o Brasil / Marco Del Fiol / O Grivo

Movie still from The Space in Between - Marina Abramović and Brazil

So far exclusively exhibited on the festival circuit – more precisely, at the SXSW - South by Southwest (USA), where it was nominated for documentary feature – the movie The Space in Between – Marina Abramović and Brazil premieres in Brazil on May 10th and 11th (for guest and press, respectively), and counts with the presence of the artist, who will come to the country exclusively to promote the documentary. The screening will take place at the Shopping Iguatemi, São Paulo.


Directed by Marco Del Fiol and with an original soundtrack by O Grivo, the film follows the tradition of road movies: the physical journey is the access point for an intimate and personal journey experienced Marina Abramović (Belgrado, 1946). From 2012 to 2015, the artist travelled more than six thousand kilometres through Brazil, searching for places and people of power. She participated in healing experiences and spiritual surgeries in Abadiânia (Goiás), integrated ayahuasca rituals at the Chapada Diamantina (Bahia), felt the force of religious syncretism in Salvador (Bahia), witnessed ceremonies and incorporations at the Vale do Amanhecer, in DC, and underwent shamanic processes in Curitiba (Paraná).


The relations between art and spirituality, as well as between performance and religious rituals, are some of the themes that permeate the documentary feature, in which Marina Abramović’s present experience is intertwined with her memories, pain and pleasures past, revealing hidden facets of her creative process.


For more information, please visit the film’s website.