Galeria Luciana Brito

LB News

Liliana Porter creates new work as partnership with Yoko Ono

Tags: Liliana Porter / Yoko Ono / Gunnar B. Kvaran / Agustín Pérez Rubio


For her first retrospective show in Argentina, Dream Come True, Yoko Ono and curators Gunnar B. Kvaran and Agustín Pérez Rubio have selected more than 80 pieces by the artist, from objects and films, to installations and sound records. More than that, Yoko has invited Liliana Porter (Buenos Aires, 1941) and eleven more Latin American artists for the Agua [Water] event, where they’ll create new pieces that will integrate the show.


Water is a recurring motif in Yoko Ono’s production, due to its density in metaphoric interpretations: water is the main component of the human body; buddhist philosophy sees human life as water, and the body as its vessel; etc. In 1971, Yoko Ono invited a group of artists to participate in a Water Event, with the intention of creating collaborative works that were based in water and its meanings. Now, this event is reborn, in MALBA. This time, the set of invited artists where asked to produce a “work-vessel” that could bring water to people, be it figurative or literally. Each piece can be designed with a broader intention, or for a specific person, population, or region that is in desperate need of water. The artworks will be exhibited as part of the show, scattered around the museum’s exhibition rooms.


Dream Come True opens on June 24th and can be visited until October 31st, 2016. For more information, please visit MALBA’s website