Galeria Luciana Brito

LB News

Bosco Sodi presents the solo show Elemental at the Anahuecalli Museum

Tags: Bosco Sodi / Elemental / Anahuecalli Museum

Bosco Sodi. vista instalação/installation view.

The Anahuecalli Museum presents from February 7th the show Elemental, an individual exhibition by the Mexican artist Bosco Sodi (Cidade do México, 1970). Built from the stones of the volcano on which the building was erected, the museum will host Bosco's first exhibition on the venue, which is curated by Dakin Hart. 


Among the selected works, the installation Clay Cubes stands out. Elemental dialogues with the scenario offered by Museo Anahuecalli, for establishing a relationship with nature and its forms of expression.


At the opening of the exhibition the book Bosco Sodi Clay Cubes, a publication by Hatje Kantz, will be released on this occasion.


The show will remain on view until April 30th. For more information visit the museum's website.