Galeria Luciana Brito

LB News

Fabiana de Barros presents show in commemoration of the 18th anniversary of Fiteiro Cultural

Fabiana de Barros / Fiteiro Cultural / Sesc Pompéia

Fabiana de Barros,"Fiteiro Cultural"

Celebrating the 18th anniversary of Fiteiro Cultural, 1998 by Fabiana de Barros, Sesc Pompeia presents, from March 30th, a show that aims to provide a panoramic view of its history.

Fiteiro Cultural is a public and contextual work inspired by street dynamics of the north of Brazil. It presents itself as a nomadic cultural place that creates its programming according to the place where it is installed. Also, Sesc Pompeia will released the book with the history of the work.

Also, the second edition of the book Aberto [Open] will be released by SESC book publisher. The book brings abundant photographic documentation and texts by artists and curators who collaborated with the project. For more information please visit the instititution's website.