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- Regina Silveira participates in group show that features the MAC Niterói's collection
Tag: Regina Silveira / Blue Skies / MAC Niterói
Regina Silveira (Porto Alegre, 1939) participates in the group show Coleção MAC Niterói: arte contemporânea no Brasil, which for the first time brings to audiences pieces of its own collection to be installed in the museum's main hall and terrace.
Curated by Pablo Leon de la Barra and Rafael Fonseca, the exhibition is dedicated to Brazilian contemporary art. Sculptures, paintings, video pieces, and prints rank among the 50 works selected for the show and acquired during more than 20 years of the institution's existence. At the museum's main hall, Regina Silveira presents Blue Skies, a piece from 2015.
Coleção MAC Niterói: arte contemporânea no Brasil runs until October the 1st. For more information, please see the museum's website.