Galeria Luciana Brito

Caio Reisewitz | mundo do meio

LB News
  • Caio Reisewitz, “Arapehy”, 2023
caio reisewitz | mundo do meio [world in between]
Laymert Garcia dos Santos
The great French mathematician René Thom once observed that “the part of reality that can be rationally understood is very limited; the rest of reality, we can only know through empathic resonance with it. “
This comment is worth noting because this exhibition is part of that “rest of reality.” Here, Caio Reisewitz’s art consists precisely in bringing into the visual field a world which is normally wrapped in mystery: the World in Between, where everything happens in the gaps, in the intervals, in the places between, amidst the layers of his collages. Neither here nor there, but rather on this side or that of an elsewhere manifested in the here and now, the World in Between is revealed as a zone of encounter, of the dissolving of opposites, of release and resonance. It is a case of “and… and…,” rather than “or… or…”
Reisewitz’s work is characterized, above all, by the utmost experience of high definition in the photography of landscapes and architectures. In recent years his images have been interspersing natural spaces amidst man-made constructed environments – inside and outside are inextricably blended, giving rise to the “language of the architectural landscape,” to use an expression coined by Francis Alÿs. Now, the artist is taking a leap, bringing the viewer to experience the World in Between, where the surface opens up to the unfathomable, where the recognized form gives way to the nearly abstract figuration of another scene.
The World in Between is the reality of spectral images. We know that a spectrum is a vision; but it is also the expression of the amplitudes or intensities – which generally involve energy – of the reverberations of a system, when they are made to stand out from one another in function of their respective frequencies.
Neither ordinary nor supernatural, the World in Between belongs to the world of enlarged reality.


opening: March 25th, from 11 am to 5 pm

visitation: from 25/03/2023 to 06/05/2023

Mondays, from 10 am to 06 pm; Tuesday to Friday, from 10 am to 07 pm; Saturday, from 11 am to 05 pm